Live, Laugh, Love, Learn.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Whatever Will Be, Will Be

“In both life and theatre, always remember that whatever is meant for you won’t pass you by. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.”

                I received this piece of advice recently from a friend after a particularly hard week. I received some disappointing news about a show that I was in, and it somehow brought me to fears about my future and down a path that I truly did not need to be on. However, with the help of some excellent friends, a lot of faith, and just overall positivity, I came to discover that things were not nearly as bad as I’d once believed. The particular words quoted above have stuck with me throughout these past few days, and have brought me to a new place on my journey of self-awareness/ self-love.
                So, in the spirit of staying positive, I have created a list of 10 lessons that I have learned on this journey, 10 little lessons that I believe are beneficial to just about anyone and everyone:

1. Life is short and unpredictable, don’t let it pass you by. Live it to the fullest and longest.

2. Sometimes, it’s okay to just stop and breathe it all in. I like to remind myself to “breathe it all in, love it all out.”

3. There’s nothing quite like a good playlist to set a better mood after a particularly sucky day. Music, tea, and a good book or play- ah, these are just beautiful.

4. Treat yourself, even if it means sitting in your room and watching the goofy show for 20 minutes. Take the time to show yourself some love. Don’t just get caught up in taking care of everyone else, and neglect yourself.

5. Smile and laugh as often as possible. It just makes everything better.

6. Don’t take your friends for granted. If there is something amiss between you and a friend, especially a true friend that has stood beside you at your worst, talk to them and work it out. Friends are some of the greatest blessings that we receive in this lifetime, don’t neglect them.

7. Take the time to tell/remind yourself how beautiful you are. Man or woman, you are beautiful and golden. Treat yourself as such.

8. Don’t let someone else dictate or devalue your feelings. You are entitled to that freedom. They are YOUR feelings.

9. Your best friends will be the ones that stand beside you when you are at your lowest and lift you back up to your highest. Don’t settle for the toxic people in your life that keep you at your lowest. Remember, the reason that you take toxic people out of your life is because they were making you sick.

10. Find beauty and a reason to smile in everything. The world can be a horrible, awful place if you can’t find the amazement and wonder in it. No matter how hard the search is, find it and cherish it. Hold it close to your heart. And never let go of that bit of humanity that you have found amongst all of the monsters and destruction.

And a bonus: my friend's words are true. Whatever will be, will be. You have to remember that and not dwell on things so much. For most of us, including me, it is not at all an easy task, but it is a necessary one. Find the joy, believe in the journey. 
                                                                                                                                               xoxo Jae


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